South Korea Comfort Women

ElyaDatabase ID Number: M163

Creator: Latvia Mccowan ’21 East Asian Studies

This map shows the placement, movement, and after effects of the Japanese Imperial Army’s “Comfort Women” in South Korea. Comfort women is a term used for the women of various countries that were forced into sex slavery and prostitution by the Japanese army. This map points out where the comfort stations were, as well as important monuments erected in memoriam of said events. The current House of Sharing, located in Seoul, houses the living comfort women and doubles as The Museum of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Military. Reparations for the comfort women in South Korea and in numerous other countries is still a prominent political issue and has yet to be properly addressed by the Japanese government. This map serves as a piece of a much larger story.

Cite This Work :

Latvia Mccowan, “South Korea Comfort Women.” Scale: 1:70,000. In Elya J. Zhang, ed., Mapping History <> (accessed May 27, 2022).

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